Too much stress? Here's some official advice..

From the instructor:
There are fantastic ways to release stress. See the video above. If doing things like talking to a goat doesn't help, read on. Coursework, and school are a small part of life. Keep them in their place. Some of the most accomplished people on this planet did badly at school, because their minds just worked differently. School is designed for optimal throughput for the average student. You have to be perfectly mediocre - right at the center of the scale - to be deliriously happy at school.

While I hope you learn a lot in this course, this course should totally be fun. If it is too much of anything negative, and causes you stress, then you must let me know. Don't hesitate to tell me exactly how you feel. I am happy to hear things like "Your teaching sucks" all the way to "You don't know nothing!" If you say it in Arabic you'll have to translate it for me (for now) though.. We will find a way to make this course work for you. I guarantee you a stress-free course!

From "The School" in Pittsburgh: This won't apply to any of the three schools taking this round of the course, but if you do call the numbers and visit the websites mentioned below, The School will help, and guide you to the right people! I will add more information from your specific campuses as soon as I get my hands on it, so watch this page. Well, here goes:

Take care of yourself. We encourage you to do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, spending time with people you care about, and taking time to relax. This will help you cope with stress and achieve your goals.

If you are going through a difficult time, remember that you are not alone. There are many helpful resources available on campus and an important part of the college experience is learning how to ask for help. We encourage you to ask for support sooner rather than later.

All of us benefit from support. If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and visit their website. Consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you trust.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone immediately, day or night:

  • CaPS: 412-268-2922
  • Re:solve Crisis Network: 888-796-8226
  • If the situation is life threatening, call the police:
    • On campus CMU Police: 412-268-2323
    • Off campus: 911
If you have questions about this, call me or email me anytime.